1 sekolah 1 blog ke arah transformasi perkhidmatan bimbingan dan kaunseling sbpi gombak

pembuka bicara ( who says )

i wouldnt wanna be anybody else
you made me be insecure 
told me i wasnt good enough but who you are to judge 
when you're a diamond in the roughr
i'm sure you got something
you'd like to change about yourself
but when it comes to me.. ! 
i wouldnt wanna be anybody else

i'm no beautiful queen
i'm just beautiful me

you've got every right to a beautiful life..

who says you're not perfect 
who says you're not worth it
who says you're the only one hurting
trust me
that's the price of beauty
who says you're not pretty
who says yo're not beautiful..
who says ? 

it's such a funny thing
how's nothing funny when it's you
you tell 'em what you meant 
but they keep whiting the truth
it's like a work of art 
that never get to see the light
keep you beneath the stars 
won't let you touch the sky

who says you're not stars potential
who says you're not presidential 
who says you can't be in movies
listen to me, listen to me

who says you don't pass the test 
who says you can't be the best

assalamualaikum and a very good day to all dear readers..
dengan rasminya.. blog unit bimbingan dan kaunseling integomb publish post yg pertama utk blog ini..
ok.. dlm entri kali ni, kami tertarik utk mengulas serba sedikit ttg sebuah lagu yg kami rasa ckp bermakna dlm kehidupan begelar remaja..
who says by selena gomez..

kalau kita lihat dlm kehidupan remaja.. selalu ada mslh dlm mngenal pasti identiti diri.. pd peringkat remaja inilah remaja sedang sedaya upaya mencari identiti dan pembawakan diri masing2.. seringkali remaja menemui kegagalan.. ditambah lg dgn gangguan dr anasir2 luar sprti pngaruh rakan sebaya, persaingan dan sbg nya..

sbenarnya.. mslh2 itu lah yg paling bermakna..
satu perkara yg mengajar kita ttg bgaimana kehidupan sebenar di luar sana ..
jd remaja mesti ingat.. walau siapa pun anda.. samada cantik atau tidak.. pandai ataupun kurang.. itu semua adalah adat di dunia.. tiada yang sempurna.. :) 

sy amat tertarik dgn bhg

who says you're not perfect
who says you're not worth it
who says you're the only one that hurting
trust me that's the price of beauty
who says you're not pretty
who says you're not beautiful..
who says ?? 

tiada siapa yg layak mnghakimi diri anda sbb mmg tiada siapa yg semourna di dunia..
kalau anda tak cantik.. mungkin anda pandai..
kalau anda tak reti bersosial.. mungkin anda bijak IT dan sebagainya..
kecantikan dan kesempurnaan sebenar ada slm diri anda.. tgh tunggu utk ditonjolkan..
jdkan waktu remaja sbg stu peringkat eksperimen..

manipulated variable : identiti anda
responding variable : pnerimaan org luar thdp identiti anda
kept constant : anda sbg diri anda

smg berjaya.. dn ingatlah.. remaja..
anda sangat berharga.. :)

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